Crazy Frog …….aaarrggghhhh!!!!


  1. tha crazy frog shud b bannd!! its soo anoyn!! gt rid ov it! all u chavs av it…nd guess wt…ur so dumb! lkn at a stupid naked frog all damn day. y o y r u so perthetic??

  2. Chris Jones says

    ive downloaded the crazy frog on my computer go to the website

  3. Charlie Dee says

    I just want to say that Driving Faith’s comments were soooooo (I had to use that spelling i’m afraid to add emphasis) funny. Secondly, I came to this website looking for the rumoured video of “Death of the Crazy Frog”. Apparently it’s really funny.

    Oh, about the stealing issue, some dick stole the sound in the first place (I think) so I think Jamster can rott in their graves for all I care (not the people, though, just the company). It’ll be a shame to them though, when people realise that any decent phone nowadays can be boosted to it’s full potential with a data cable and you can actually (some chav’s aren’t going to believe this) PUT YOUR OWN PICTURES/SOUNDS ON IT! You don’t HAVE to BUY the stupid three frame Crazy Frog GIF animation, you can simply make one (if you’re that sad).

    Thinking about Tkey’s comments, a scary thought will be that some children will grow up with it as a nursery rhyme idea of the Crazy Frog! Little 5 year-olds all running around going, “A ring-ding-ding!” But do you know what annoys me even more than the frog? It’s Jamster’s latest one: The Farting Chimps. OH! YOU THINK YOU’RE SO FUNNY DON’T YOU, YOU EFFING CHIMPS?! And then what about the two birds, which pretty much enourages Happy Slapping. I hate ringtones. I hate them all. If you want the crazy frog tune, download a MIDI copy of the Beverly-Hills Cop tune (I think that’s the one). For the foreign people trying to find the Crazy Frog and all its brain-damaging friends, don’t go there. If it spreads into your country, chav or not, you WILL be considered the downfall of your society.

    So thanks for reading.

  4. Charlie Dee says

    As recommended by someone on another website:
    It’s a stress buster!

    Not the crazy frog but good enough

  5. Charlie Dee says

    Sorry about this, I know it’s my third entry in a very short time but i finally sound it! It’s not as great as I thought it would be but it almost hits the spot. If only there was some kind of noise, but I won’t give it away.

    Have fun. I know I almost did. Stupid Frog!

  6. Thanks for the links Charlie.

    Hey folks i watched a Channel and didn’t hear the frog once last night.

    Do you want to know which one?

    BBC !!!!

  7. Charlie Dee says

    I just thought I’d add these final few links.
    This is the man who claims to be the voice of ‘The Annoying Thing’ that we all call the Crazy Frog. Please note, the voice started out as a perfectly innocent thing that was catapulted into the character that we all hate to hate. /
    This is the company based in Stockholm that employs the above individual and his friends to churn out stuff like The Crazy Frog.

    but it’s Erik Wernquist that is responsible for unleashing the original crazy frog animation. He holds the Copyright for the character.

    But possibly the most useful link that you’ll all be using VERY soon is the official website of ‘The Annoying Thing’ at where you can place orders for all kinds of official merchandise, view the history of how the Crazy Frog originated and (my personal favourite) join a fan club. There’s even an address to contact in the West Midlands

    So happy surfing everyone! But remember, nothing too harsh. These people are just trying to earn a living. It’s Jamster that are trying to ruin your life. 😀

  8. Jonny Matthews says


    Hi really hate the crazy frog and Jamster as a whole.

    However, I believe the way to stop it is it not to try and bring down the frog or the company OH NO! – this problem must be tackled at the source – those that buy the bloody things.

    These are known as “chavs” and if you don’t know what one of those is, it probably likely that it is because you are one.

    You are a step back in the evolution of mankind liking crap like this and trying to b********* the English language and are probably the result of the teenage pregnancy in this country – so its only gonna get worse (I blame that pr*** Tony Blair).

    The solution? In line with Episode III – hunt them down one by one!

    I suggest that we build a huge cannon, point it towards the sun and load all of them in it.

    I can’t believe I have to pay tax so you grubby b******* can download jamster stuff and “wickd choons” – go get a life, an education, a haircut (not done by your mum with the clippers), and pull your hood down (either you all have really cold heads or your about to comment crime).

  9. Crazy Frog H8er says

    Death To The Frog! On second thought, death isn’t good enough for it. It should slowly be tortured to death while being bumraped by michael jackson.

  10. Frag The Frog! ban the frog and all its kind, its stolen, its not funny, and its on every bloody music channel 24/7, and driving everyone insane! Is there legal action we can take? seriously? Because the frog must die,and i wont stop trying 2 ban it until it finally is, it’ll be in 10years time, top 100 most irratating adverts, ?100 says its number 1, i hate it! Frag the Frog

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