Crazy Frog …….aaarrggghhhh!!!!


  1. my 6 month old baby girl loves the frog but I guess she’ll grow out of it in a month or two

    incidently they dont own therights to either the melodyor the images as they claim so you can put them backif youlike as their threats are just hot air

    the real copyright holders of the original material dont mind

  2. Well maybe some of us are Coldplay fans – at least they can speak English and don’t have adverts on TV every 2 minutes with annoying repetitive sounds. DON’T DIS COLDPLAY!!!

  3. crazyfrog is the subject of fotof*** friday next friday on

  4. Ben [lees compadre] says

    Yes, Coldplay are quite good. And by the way, everyone know how there are more chavs [like fred] and less skaters and moshers [me and lee]? THATS WHY coldplay is ONLY second in the chart, cos 999,999,999,999,999 chavs voted for the crazy frog!!!!! and bought the single etc…

    SAD LITTLE B-STAR *chokes* DS!!!

  5. Hello i am the creater to this noise, i never new it would get this big but i am happy because i am now rich and i hear that its on the radio now in the u.k? some dj made a song out of the noise so i am thanking you people for buying my creation and keep it up!!!

  6. Jonny Vaughan says

    I have had to endure the Crazy Frog on my tv on every single channel I watch except BBC 1 and 2. I would personally like to thank Driving Faith for the very intellectual and, well, quite obvious pointing out of the main problem. Chavs are a complete waste of space, money and life force. They should all be forced to learn English. As for the frog, I’m going to begin a personal vendetta on that thing, I want to see it’s big eyes slowly expand out of it’s head as I ring the little b******* neck.

  7. i hate crazy frog
    thankz for killing the bastered


  9. Hi i am the co-founder of im sorry to hear of the harsh email they sent you! I think its time for them to fall! Please support us and have a look!

  10. Hi, all you crazy frog haters out there will love this site:

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