Crazy Frog …….aaarrggghhhh!!!!


  1. People pop over to http://WWW.BANJAMSTER.COM and sign up 🙂

  2. Ben’s a loser – I don’t even know who he is, also I am annoyed to hear that the crazy frog beat U2 as well. THIS MUST STOP NOW!!!!

  3. i hate crazy frog!!! :-0

  4. john ur so rite

  5. Rach-Luvs-Tom says

    the frog is soo annoyin an the whole thing has gone 2 far now, i mean its got an album out 4 f**ks sake its pathetic

    iv never liked it, its been a pain in the ass since the start but bringin an album out with it on is just stupid. i hope sum1 shoots it or sumthin cos i bloody well hate it an i know i speak 4 a lot off ppl that i know

    god knows how it got in the charts :@:@ its not even music it is sum gay little animal makin sum god awful noise there is no point in it at all!

  6. All you numbnuts who think Crazy Frog is cool need to stop smoking the wacky tobacky and realize that MTV are a bunch of hippy liberals who would rather see the world destroyed by terrorists instead of admitting Bush was right all along

  7. grazy frog in the best

  8. man crazy frog is the best man ever ever expcially axel f

  9. freddy arteaga says

    how can i get the video of crazy frog doing the motorcycle of turboforce ed


  1. […] iel for his creation. What Crazy Frog became: Copyright issues: The End


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