Kraig Garland – Book of Condolence


  1. my deepest thoughts and feelings are with kraig. evenmore to the Garland family….All my Love
    kate xxxxx

  2. Alison Howard says

    THIS STUPID COMPUTER i do’t kow if it’s right or not. Stacia I’M REALLY SOORY I phoned you. I sent some more on my e mail since then but don’t know if i did it right…. I am sorry since you knew me I have made a mess of everything and I have been certified Mentally Ill… I wonder if that would have happened if I’d stayed in touch with my other family ….YOU… I’m sorry I’m going on now but you are all so special to me and it has taken somethng like this to bring it home to me…..Stacia and Les Whsatever happened between you and elaine bernie etc…… I really don’t kbnow I just know I lost Part of my famly…….but what could I do ….love you all xxxxxxx and here is a hug whtaever….Kraig you were such a blessing and so so so special RIP Mate x x x xLove You Babe XXX

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