Young Writers Poetry Competition for Primary Schools


  1. Well done, let us know where we can read them. xxx

  2. hey Megan well done , you are so busy arent you , lots of love sue and kate xxxxx

  3. well done meggy moo!!! for your writing I will get you more ice creams XX nik and co..

  4. Sounds like an obvious con by the publishers hoping to sell books to every
    person from Megan’s class. My son won too and so did everythone else in his class.


  5. yes it is a con. Beware!

  6. yes if you look on amazon the publish for near every single area in the UK, also look at the crappy looking book would anyone in there right mind buy a book that looks like that for 15.99 Harry potter sells for less, big con every parent buys 1 at 15.99 the school gets cut in profits there greed lets the parent feel guilt not to buy it. con con con con con for a start a desent company would give the parent the first copy for free as a thank you, not sting you because no one else will buy it for that price Jenni bannister do one and take the rest of your crew with ya

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