K8’s Diary of her trip to Peru


  1. ta for that ste, update;
    still not in Huancayo, i’m doing ok so far, still totally jet lagged, we’re getting the bus in about 2hrs, 7hr journey through the night , should be there 6am our time mid day your time (thurs)look after yourself , love u

  2. update from kate says

    ok,the altitude is hard to get used to,a little hard to breath sometimes,walked along the beach at Lima was so pretty,and to a place called the park of love,cutest place in the world,the mountains are beautiful, and its a really nice place,this morning off to the jungle to a waterfall,there till monday so no pc,teaching starts next week,gettin used to things taking 1 day at a time,luv u all…

  3. wow k8 go you,take the glucose for altitude sickness,give it a day or so and it will change round,love you lots and want you to have a ballxxxxxxxxxxhope you had a good time in the jungle xx

  4. tink n jess got ill….eekk…n jess had to have a needle in her bum..poor girl…
    so yesterday it was kinda a me n erica day…ment we got to know eachother alot more..
    bin dopin the same kinda thing..the mural is comin on really well…comin home covered in paint everday is mint..i love it..its also nice to chill with everybody at night..my spanish is comin on alot to…

    its sometimes hard to stay strong with what were doin and what we see…
    in cotocoto theres a blind little girl called madaline…i taught her how to draw a cat…she gets it perfect everytime now ´smiles to myself´ knowin ur giving them somethin..may not be an important somethin..but somethin they didnt have before..is the best feelin in the world…
    a cute little lad called michel who iv grown attatched to from ladreara..helps me out with everythin…especially my spanish…today we were leanring colours..ha ha…hes helpin us paint the wall to…

    mostly everythins completly fne with me ´touches necklace´ im eatin well makin sure i keep drinkin alot..n just tryin to look after myself the best i can…
    miss u all loads ofcourse…
    k8 x x x

  5. monday 6th august…
    in the morning we went to ´losientos´ the street kids club..drew with the kids..
    skipped with them…started to prime the wall…where were doin our mural for the kids..tryin to make the walls look a bit more interestin than just grey….then headed over to ´cotocoto´… the orphanage..dissabled children also live there…they instantly took a shine to us..one little girl called gina wouldnt let me put her down…..tink said wow iv never seen ur motherin skills before…lol didnt particulaly thought i had any…but bein in that kinda situation with the kids..kinda takes over..i was really improving my spanish there..learning numbers and colours..real basics..
    embarassing moment tho..slide down the long slide with gina on my knee…my pants got caught n one leg got completly ripped off….no joke… *goes red`* exxxtreemmllyy funny tho
    ofcourse the kids found it hilarious..tink even admitted she weed a little..
    not as good as the women on the esculator…but thats another story…
    public transport here consists of ´´combis´´ (which are like tiny minibus´s that drive around a certain route of the town..basically u just hop on n off…quite uncomfortable but for a short trip its perfect…only costs half a sole each time..which is about 8p)
    and taxis..from th center of huancayo to our home stay…is 3 soles…45p..its about a journey form my house into hyde..we stopped in the center on the way home from coto coto
    got some laundry done..i was able to ask for directions and understand them in spanish…i was quite impressed…nipped to the supermarket and bought the biggest bottle of pepsi ever!! and some apples..i was just cryin out for some apples..
    got home n decided to sow up my pants….
    7th august…
    woke up to find david (our host guy) hd randomly left us to go to lima…we didnt find that out untill he didnt showup to take us for lunch..
    i dont know if iv alredy explained the water situation..
    theres no runnin water after 12pm..and theres no hot water…at all…cold showers all around..
    spent the mornin once agen at the street kids club..played frisby n some tick games..gave the wall another coat..n then the afternoon at the orphanage..
    mostly got this place wired now…how to get around easily and cheaply…where to get food..anythin i need really..the time it takes to get to places..no my way round to..
    so yeahhhh….off for some dinner…
    love ya alll miss u loads….
    k8 x x x

  6. finally have to time to tell u what iv proper bin upto..
    (i have read all ur emails…and they areee so sweet and cute..shed a tear once or twice and i will reply to them seperatly as soon as i have the chance)
    31st july…….
    so we left u guys at the airport…and it kinda daunted on us that we were actually ALONE in all this…
    lol i got bleeped at passport controll like 5 times n had to be felt by varied strange women..
    the 10 hour flight was awfull we had to keep our seatbelts on for the whole time because of turbulance..was not impressed…..plus side we had our own personal entertainment system..songs were on a loop tho…so after the 50..billionth time uv heard em..it gets a bit tideous..
    because it took us so long to get through passport controll at houston..we nearly missed our connectin flight..also thought id lost our boarding passes…but all was fine…airport staff was soooo helpfull…and i even managed to grab a starbucks on the way…he he he
    another 7 hour lfight into lima..i was sat next to a puruvian nun..who spoke not one word of english..helped her out with talkin to the airhostes..thanks tpo nicky n rick helpin me out with spanish i understood her pretty well..she was mint!!
    by this time id had hardly any sleep i wasss sooo knackered and daylight just doesnt seem to be endin..finally arrived in lima…n yep u guessed it..no one was there to pick us up…
    *shakes frontier stupidly*
    we didnt panic…already tried to ring frontier and our host family..but we cudnt find a payphone that worked…customer service spoke really bad english and just coudnt understand our problem….just as we thought all hope was lost..we found the 2 girls joinin us in the trip..luckily they had a mobile..so we rang lee…didnt seem to bothered to be honest..just sed hes sendin a richardo guy to pick us up..
    3 hours later…he found us…but the problem was..that forntier hadnt sent our host family the money for us to stay with them yet..so arrangements to pick us up form the airport had not bin made…so we had to stay for 1 night in a hostel…
    scott who owned the hostel was totally lovely.,.. doesnt speak english at all though ..always went out of his way to make sure we were comfortable..we sat playin guitar with eachother in the mornin *winks at rick*
    we all got settled in..me n erika thoguht it would be safer if we all stayed in the same room..just all got into our beds..n silly me goes n says somethin stupid…coulda slapped myself…my words were..
    ´anyone seen the film hostel´??
    1st august……
    i slept really well..pur bus to huancayo wasnt untill 11 at night…so we spent the day with ricardo´s niece who took us on a little tour of lima..she didnt speak any english either..
    we went for a walk along the shore was soo prreettyyy..just as it was goin dark..n walked through a park caled…´the park of love´really cute..
    after everythin weve bin through…the girls and us were starin to get quite close…there lovely..jess is a bit girly girl..came witha suitcase..that says it all…but erika is just like a mirror image of my personality..its really strange..still tryin to explain to them what janice means..
    so far our trip didnt really feel like it had started with all the messin about..
    2nd august….
    the 8 hour bus journey to huancayo wasnt bad..i managed to sleep through most of it.. woke up just in time for sunrise..had the last our of the trip gazing at he gorgeous scenery we drove through..
    arrived in huancayo early mornin peru time..huan hose was there to get us..the guy seemed nice..spoke good englih he apologised so much for what had ahppened..
    the altitude was so hard to get used to at first..i had a puffy face n generally just felt sick..really wierd..it was like ahrd to breath..after some sleep n breakfast i felt alot better,..
    form then on things just started to get better and better..went for a walk to get used to our surroundings really dramatic mountain range just outside the door..internet cafe about 1 min walk away which is cool..1 sole for an hour..bout 15p its all very tranquill n calm in this part.. no one gives u a second look cos im english…its all just so sureal i know im never gonna be able to describe this place..its just like….wow..
    we nipped into the street kids club house to get introduced..the children and the familys in the viallge were really friendly.. then this ranodm street party just started form no where..and i mean from no where… dancin drums beer the works..
    these lads just grabbed us all n started dancin with us..felt like i was in a film or somethin ha ha aparently it was a festival for the time of year…to get good crops n healty animals..
    by now i was finally settled in..worries were gone and i felt i could finally start my adventue..
    3rd august…
    the minibus picked u up at half 9 for our jungle trip..the couple takin us were neto and elizabeth.. amazing people to know..just so bubbly and helpfull..in the minibuswe had like a big bottle of coke between us..our first proper sugar intake since we left england..bittt hyper..
    on the way we wwent caving in this deep cave..soo amazin..just climbin and absailin up these rocks..forgot my torch tho wups..adrenalin rush from that…we didnt have any harneses..just a rope..bit scared at first..
    the scenery drivin through the mountains was breathtakin…tea was interesting..i love tastin foods from different cultures..
    picture this..us in the middle of the jungle in peru…sat around a fire..the billions of bright stars above us (no light pollution was sooo kooooll) dancin singin chattin ….guitars were out n everythin..roastin marshmellows on sticks…started to get to know the other volounters.. all from all over the world…rachel from new zealend..peter from belgium..everyone els was from the usa.. all offerin us to stay with them whenever we liked..
    we played a peruvian drinkin game ´todito´ highly amusing..
    the sounds of the jungle reminded me so much of africa..all the smells n feel of it all..i love it sooo much…there were actually vines!!!! that u could swing off!!!! no joke!!!!
    its really humid there..even at night..
    4th august….
    went for a little trek further into the jungle ,…. saw 2 waterfalls on the way…jumped in them of course..very refreshing..like somethin off a herbal essence advert..
    everythin i coulda ever dreamed it would be and more..i was too overwhelmed…
    i just couldnt believe that i was prancing around under a water fall in the middle of the jungle in peru… still hadnt quite sunk in..the waters so greeenn….
    at lunch we had guinea pig…strange….kinda strong tasting meat..iv soo fallen in love with this place..ts like my imagination…has run out of my head..and become reality..
    went out to this really random club like in the middle of no where…mint club tho..quite modern for what ud expect from where we were…danced the night away form 11pm to 5 am…
    MY FEEET!!! Neto was rather insistant that me n erica joined the local custons…its apperently rude to turn down beer in peru..
    5th august….
    i was sooo shattered from the night before…we went for a walk again further into the jungle…toitally gorgeous rather large waterfall..the most beautifull place iv ever seen..we were in like s hot..this time u could actually go behind the waterfall…VEERRRYY COOOLL!!
    visited this place on the way home ´chanchamayo´ funny story from there…
    didnt get back into huancayo untill late that night..so i just flopped onto my bed…
    6th august..
    HAPPY 20 MONTH ANNIVERSARY RICK!!!! *the most biggest cuddle in the world….*
    wuuuvvvvv uuuuuuu…..
    well my hour is up..i gtg….il finish tellin u all what i bin upto tomrow
    love u all..miss u soo much…..really do…

    k8 x x x

  7. Hey kate , not sure where you are this weekend , but sure you are having a good time , let us know how things are , look after yourself , and lots of love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you have it sussed i think

  8. hola…

    almost finsihed our space mural now..its lookin pretty good…considerin we have no paint brushes and total limited materials..its just all one big fingerpaintin..he he he

    huanjosa was so impressed he asked me to ´smarten´up the other 2 walls…

    were starting to go out most evenoings now..either into town..to eachothers home stay or out for a walk..went on an excursion on sat..to a trout farm..ha ha ha was funny..

    we ate trout for lunch..was gorgeous..then we went to see the virgin (massive statue on a hill)

    giggles ans sniggers…did u know u can enter the virgin for only 2soles..ha ha oooo the jokes kept rollin in those 2 hours..went to an ice cream factory to..to make things cheaper tho with transport..we all were kinda cramped in the back of pattys pickup truck…singing amazing ghrace down the freeway.. we got 2 new girls 2..enterin our little volountier clan..from belgium…lovely pair…always up for anythin we throw at em..one of em..sophie is like the spittin image of robyn…u know the one who moved to amaerica…

    over the weekend we stayed at jess´s n ericas n went out on sat night.,..

    I WAS WEARING A DRESS….EEEKK!!! sunday was just a chillin day…sunbathed n painted on the roof garden..

    david (our host guy kinda hting) we felt didnt really like us very much at first..but now iv made such an effort to speak to him in spanish..even tho i know im gettin it totally wrong…he likes me now…and has put curtains up in my bedroom so i dont get woken up at 5 every mornin..

    tink says theres no point in learning spanish..i dissagree i think over here its quite essential and polite also another good skill to have..

    when ur walking through the streets over here..u really struggle to see a vehcle that isnt either a taxi a combi or a vw beetle… taxis are one of the most annoying things over here..non stop beepin..

    ur wlakin along the street not even lookin at the road..they beep at u

    you JUST got out of another taxi…they beep at u…

    ur steepin through the door of ur house…they beep at u…


    sooooooooooooo,….we invented the taxi game..our little piece of mind we play back to the taxi drivers..

    i actually have a tan…for once i dont look like a lobster..its mint!..and none of my pants fit me now..they just keep fallin off my bum..people are used to the appearence of my boxers..

    iv found that erica has more similaritys with me than i thoguht…her mum used to work with dissabled n eldery people..her dad has a phd and works in the same kinda industry as my dad..

    she also has a mint singin voice…and together in a duet we can create the best broadway show down the main streets of pia pata..

    rachel bought 3 ginea pigs from the market…but not for pets……whimpers…

    everyone..n i mean EVERYONE…out of all the volounters here..

    theres only bin me and a spaniosh girl who have not bin ill or sick in anyway

    touches necklace….thats 10 out of 12 of us…yikes…

    its elissa´s bday today..so were havin a bit of a surprise bash for her upstaires..(Loooks at time(

    i about 30 mins ha ha lol…better go…il keep in touch…

    my free textx are runnin out tho guys..

    love u all!!!!!!!!! take care!!!!!!! miss u!!!!!

    xxxx ARDILLA xxxx

    k8 x x x

    Draw a leaf and make a pledge on the Live Earth Tree

  9. Just to let you all know , kate is fine , spoke to her 3am there time , they said the earthquake was big, but all safe and well , thanks steve….love you lots , if you see this k8 love you lots , stay safe and well , so very proud of you xxxxxxx mumather

  10. Jan, Mike and Jamie says

    Wow Kate, gave us all a bit of a scare there, really glad you are all ok. You don’t do things by half girly! Carry on and make the most of it. Love you lots. Jan(ice), Mike and Jamie (soon to become a teenager,OMG!) xoxoxox

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